Request Training

- A minimum of six people are needed to set up a session
- Open to any university community member
- Length of class varies on class size, but is usually around one hour
- The location will be determined when arranging the class.
- Contact name and number for person setting up training
- Names and phone numbers of the people attending
- Departments and/or student numbers of people attending
Fire training requests can be e-mailed to Fire Safety at
To view a full list of course registrations please visit the the Environmental Health & Safety's list of courses.

Info on University Fire Warden Program
- A minimum of six people are needed to set up a session
- People who are designated fire wardens or who may become a fire warden should attend
- Length of class is approximately 2.5 hours
- Power point presentation outlining the duties of fire wardens
- Can include people from different buildings and departments
- Contact name and number for person setting up training
- Names and phone numbers of the people attending
- Departments of people attending
- Possible date for training
- Location for training (preferably site specific)
Fire training requests can be e-mailed to Fire Safety at
To view a full list of course registrations please visit the the Environmental Health & Safety's list of courses.